Effective heating for intermittent use

Rinnai promotes its fanned gas-fired convection heaters, strategically placed, as delivering quick and efficient space heating in buildings that are used intermittently — such as churches, sports clubs and halls. For such heating requirements, the company’s 1004T and 556T power-flue gas wall heaters are well known and advanced products.
Providing heat for a typical Sunday service in a church could cost as little as £5, with fully modulating fan convection quickly circulating warm air to take the chill of large spaces quickly. Smaller side rooms can easily be heated separately.
These heaters have a small powered flue to allow flexible positioning. Flue extensions are available.
Features include automatic ignition, low case temperature and integral air filters. There is also the option of central timer control.
The company’s 308FTR and 556FTR heaters can be fitted with infra-red remote control for temperature and switching them on and off, a 24 h digital dual timer with intelligent features, self-diagnostic control and a self-learning preheat time.