Assessing legionella risks

Richmond Hydro-Chem has developed a scheme to help clients protect against the risks of legionella. The scheme has been devised using sources from BSRIA, looking at the function of O&M manuals and application guides on legionella maintenance, as well as considering revised CDM regulations. The package includes asset surveys of items such as water tanks, cylinders and point-of use outlets, a written assessment of legionella risk and a ‘suitable and sufficient’ maintenance plan, complete with 12-month log booklet. Initially, schematic drawings are reviewed for good practice. Attention is paid to details such a full-bore flushing valves at the base of cylinders and access for temperature checks at the hot and cold inlet of mixing valves. Installation contractors are provided with as-fitted drawings of domestic water services, including details relevant to the legionella maintenance scheme. Clients benefit because they do not need to outsource a risk assessment of their new building within the defects liability period. Maintenance companies can tender the works without misunderstanding of minimum requirements.

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Built environment professionals remain positive on future of Net Zero

A recent survey by global climate tech firm IES has revealed that nearly three-quarters of UK built environment professionals believe achieving a Net Zero built environment by 2050 is within reach.

BESA research suggests clients are yet to engage with new building safety regime

Construction clients are failing to engage with the new building safety regime, according to research carried out by the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA).