Mikrofill changes academy from oil to gas heating

Mikrofill, Boilers, space heating, DHW

Yet another large oil bill prompted Willows Academy in Grimsby to change existing boiler and hot-water plant and the fuel type. The school caters for the needs of children aged from five to 11.

DMBS Design selected two Mikrofill Ethos 130 kW gas-fired condensing boilers to provide LPHW heating around the school. These stainless-steel boilers have a seasonal efficiency of 96% and offer Class 5 NOx emissions at 33 mg/kWh.

In addition, a direct type Mikrofill pressurisation package automatically maintains pressure in this unvented LPHW system and provides integral backflow prevention to fluid risk category 4.

Aircon Refrigeration installed the boilers, along with a Mikrovent 250 low-loss header incorporating air/dirt separation, reducing on-site labour and material requirements.

For more information on this story, click here: January 2015, 87
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