Pegler Yorkshire launches long-term reassurance solution

Pegler Yorkshire’s Warranty Plus initiative covers complete pipework systems, rather than individual components. It was created after in-depth research with contractors showed the need for such a warranty, which took two years to develop. The scheme is designed to ensure more efficient installations and provide reassurance for many years. The 3-stage process offers support for projects over £250 000.
The process begins at the design stage and offers an expert design commentary, which includes comment on system expansion and contraction, commissionability report comprising valve sizing plus compliance with BIM. Additional analysis is offered on material options and jointing technology — all with the aim of providing ultimate system efficiency.
Stage two covers installation and training. Through Warranty Plus, Pegler Yorkshire is committed to training people, whether on site at their own specialised facilities, at a client’s site or via CPD-accredited training courses or online modules. All who attend will receive an official training card that is valid for three years.
The final stage is commissioning and aftercare. This service provides a total solution offering system water conditioning, comprising fixed UV bacterial control and full in-line filtration and the use of thermal imaging/ultrasonic flow rate testing to assist in system sign off if required. This solution combined the flushing, biocide wash and chemical cleaning via the use of UV technology to reduce water waste and time spent by two-thirds.
The whole process is then backed up by a maintenance programme with a full support maintenance manual and optional on-going package for up to 25 years.
David Rhodes head of technical services for Pegler Yorkshire, explains, ‘Warranty Plus is not just about providing a manufacturing guarantee for our products but provides a 25-year system guarantee for the products, including any effects from internal corrosion.
‘More importantly, Warranty Plus offers unrivalled benefits in the overall time and cost spent developing and commissioning a complete system. It’s with these savings and the on-going support that Warranty Plus comes into its own.’