Big Foot introduces ground-mounted support solution

Big Foot Systems, which is well known for non-penetrative free-standing support systems for roof-top plant, now offers a Stand Range to support air-conditioning units on the ground. It is said to be the only off-the-shelf solution for ground-mounted applications currently available. It is a lightweight solution that comes boxed and ready to use.
This free-standing system (no need to secure it to the ground) caters for a wide variety of condensing units, with two ranges that suit mini splits and VRF/VRV condensing units. Available in a number of sizes, with extender kits and cross-bar spacings that are adjustable to accommodate various units sizes, the supports can be used individually and in banks.
The Stand Range includes anti-vibration mounts for mini-splits and clamp kits for VRF/VRV units and is compatible with industry-standard fittings.