Pump Industry Awards 2018 open for entries

The British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA) is hosting its 18th annual Awards on 22nd March 2018. And the call for entries is now going out.
There are eight categories, covering key areas such as technical innovation, environmental contribution, engineer of the year and manufacturer of the year. Nominations can be made online at www.pumpindustryawards.com. Nominations and entries are not restricted to BPMA membership, and you can put forward entries for yourself and your own company, or you can nominate others that you know of or work with.
Peter Reynolds, BPMA President (pictured on the left with a 2017 winner), says of the awards: “The competitive nature of the pump industry, and the constant search for greater operational performance and improved efficiencies across its myriad customer base, requires that all those operating within this important sector be at the top of their game. This awards programme allows the pump industry to come together in recognition of that drive for engineering excellence.”
Sponsors have once again been secured for this important industry event, with each one contributing to the overall success of the Awards Programme and Presentation Dinner. They include ABB, John Crane, Flowserve SIHI, Process Industry Informer, Siemens, SPP Pumps, Tomlinson Hall, WEG Electric Motors, Wilo UK and World Pumps.