Danish-Scottish meeting of minds

Denmark and Scotland have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on low carbon heat, heat networks and energy efficient buildings. This agreement will support the Scottish Government’s aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050, with significant reductions in energy consumption and carbon emissions by 2032.
SAV Systems’ low carbon energy centre in Edinburgh recently played host to talks between the Danish Minister of Energy, Utilities and Climate, Lars Christian Lilleholt, and Danish companies exporting energy efficient solutions to the UK. SAV Systems’ Danish partners include Danfoss, EC Power, Airmaster and Kamstrup.
Lars Christian Lilleholt commented: “The Scottish Government is clearly ambitious in the low carbon energy and climate area. I am very pleased to sign this new cooperation agreement, which I hope will support Scotland’s green conversion with Danish energy solutions based on our 40-years of experience.”