Clare Hall UCL welcomes Artic engineering teams

University College London (UCL) has worked with Artic Building Services for a number of years and has now begun delivery of hard FM services at the university’s Clare Hall site near St Albans, Hertfordshire.
This relatively new addition to the UCL portfolio, set across 22 acres, comprises of laboratories, research, teaching facilities, and offices. The facility houses the UCL biosciences teams undertaking ground-breaking research into a variety of medical conditions demanding cleanliness, security and ultimate work schedule flexibility.
Using full-time site-based engineers with dedicated contract management and administration, the Artic team delivers all services across the Clare Hall estate and allows for immediate response to any issue which may arise in what are acute and business-critical facilities.
In supporting the academics at Clare Hall, Artic have put in place an engineering team well able to offer a professional and highly flexible service which can work with great care and diligence to minimise any FM impact on the important work they undertake. This total understanding of the academic environment, and the flexible approach required to succeed, made Artic an easy choice for UCL at this site.