Free-cooling chillers from Walter Meier

Blue Box free-cooling chillers from Walter Meier (Climate UK) introduce free cooing at outdoor temperatures below 15°C, rising to 100% at 0°C. The Zeta Echos FC (pictured) and Kappa Evo FC offers cooling capacities from 45 to 1200 kW.
Extensive field tests indicate that such free cooling in the UK can reduce annual energy consumption by 35% where chillers are operating 24 h a day, compared to conventional air-cooled chillers.
The Zeta range has cooling capacities from 45 to 144 kW and uses R410A. The free-cooling system requires a single fan section with the condensing coil and free-cooling coil at opposite sides of the unit. These units are available with a free-cooling coil using glycol and a separate water circuit for the evaporator and indoor units.
The Kappa range has cooling capacities from 327 to 1200 kW and uses R134a. All units have an electronic thermostatic valve to match compressor operation to cooling demands.