Radiators meet green heating systems

The low water temperatures that characterise heating systems using renewable energy do not preclude the use of radiators, says Chris Edwards, marketing director with radiator manufacturer Purmo. He says, ‘Even in countries with harsh Winters such as Sweden, radiators are accepted as an integral part of a modern, efficient and green heating system. Our low-temperature-technology products prove that radiator-based heating system provide a quicker a more consistent heat distribution in many settings.’
He explains that the low-heat products that Purmo has developed are specifically designed and developed to provide warmth in homes renovated or built to modern, efficient green standards. When a room’s temperature heats up suddenly, radiators are fast to react — which is both convenient and energy efficient. Such radiators will work perfectly with sustainable or natural energy sources such.
As to aesthetics, Chris Edwards points out that the company’s range of modern radiators can be installed as close as 10 mm to the wall and have a depth of 73 mm.