Grundfos in Riverside Thames project

With internal flexibility now a core demand of so many new building projects, the design and delivery of the new Riverside Studios in London has successfully managed to combine a range of entertainment options into a new exciting space. This new build project, on the banks of the River Thames, has been carefully designed to offer a free-flowing area that can be transformed to meet any demands for theatre, studio, cinema, music, dance, comedy, art, comedy, art, events or hospitality needs.
In a development of this nature, fire protection becomes even more of a focus of attention and Grundfos Pumps worked in collaboration with Vipond Fire Protection to deliver the required solution.
Every building in the UK has to comply with a designated fire hazard criterion that relates to the building usage. These are defined by a relevant insurance body and relate to the combustibility rating of the items within that building. The demand in this instance was classified as an OH 3 which encompasses buildings with a highly combustible load and this demand is now being managed by Grundfos OH3 electric fire sets, supported by control panels and a jockey pump, that all work in tandem with a 16-channel remote alarm panel.
So, with lights, cameras and plenty of action guaranteed, Grundfos are pleased to provide the quiet assurance, that should the need arise, the fire demands will be covered.