Making building services more inclusive for all

In response to the lack of women and other under-represented groups in the building services engineering sector - less than 1% of tradespeople are female - leading Awarding Organisation (AO), LCL Awards has launched an Inclusivity Charter for its centres, to encourage them to take steps to make their training facilities welcoming places, with flexible course options to suit people from all walks of life.
Officially launched to LCL Awards centres, those that sign up to the Charter must
- Be committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive environment where both learners and centre staff feel safe, heard and supported.
- Not tolerate offensive language, such as sexist or racist comments - from trainers or trainees.
- Consider the needs of all learners, in order to enhance learning experiences and increase opportunity.
- Are actively exploring a range of training options, using creativity and innovation to improve engagement.
The ambition is to help as many people as possible access the building services engineering sector; improve lives, improve the sector and combat skills shortages. We believe that inclusion creates an environment where everyone is valued, feels valued and are therefore is able to achieve their highest potential.