Climaveneta upgrades FOCS range of chillers

Climaveneta’s upgraded FOCS2 range of chillers includes models that are said to offer the highest efficiency on the market for screw-compressor chillers and one that represents the best compromise of performance and cost available. Units are also competitively priced compared with the previous FOCS range.
These new chillers build on the popular features of the original FOCS range. They have semi-hermetic screw compressors optimised for R134a and incorporate advanced features to enhance efficiency and performance. All models have a single-step evaporator, new condenser coils designed to minimise pressure drop on the refrigerant side and an evaporator with a temperature differential of up to 10 K.
The high-efficiency models have cooling capacities from 310 to 1540 kW and achieve Eurovent Class A energy efficiency. The most efficient model achieves an ESEER (European seasonal energy-efficiency rating) of up to 4.4. Low-noise versions reduce noise by up to 10 dB(A) without compromising total performance. Standard features include variable-speed fan control and electronic expansion valves.
The lower-cost models offer cooling capacities from 310 to 1820 kW with Eurovent Class B/C energy efficiency. A low-noise version is available.