A word on…noise pollution

14 August, 2024

Peter Wilson, Technical Director at Echo Barrier, and Dusan Durdevic, Associate Director at Urban Thinking, address the dangers of noise pollution, its effect on public health both physically and mentally, and how construction firms need to take noise abatement seriously to avoid disruption to the communities they are developing, or face heavy fines and negative publicity.

Des Duddy

Des Duddy, Joint Managing Director at Protrade, analyses the data that indicate Gen Z’s opinion of the construction industry and looks at what needs to happen if construction is to avoid a widening skills gap crisis in the near future.

Elta Prefabrication

Following a rising demand for prefabricated building services to reduce issues associated with system compliance and compatibility, Elta is now leading the charge in the ventilation sector with its innovative ‘Prefabricated Solutions’. The new service enables decision makers for ventilation services to create bespoke ventilation units from Elta’s wide range of fans and ancillaries, including its certified smoke range.


In 2020-2021 it was hard to turn a corner without bumping into a freshly ‘qualified’ indoor air quality expert with a magic box supposedly ready to solve all your air quality problems. Customers were willing to listen at the time, even if they didn’t quite get their wallet out.

Mark Rickard

This new year marks the start of a new era for Elta as it celebrates 50 years in business and accelerates its agenda to move the dial on indoor air quality.

Carl Turbitt of ABB

With energy prices continuing to remain volatile, a free service from ABB can help to identify the easiest opportunities to reduce outgoings, as ABB’s Carl Turbitt, HVAC Drives UK Sales Manager, explains.

Clever Coupler is a patent-protected system for use with 22mm and 28mm compression valves and equipment of all types within the HVAC sector. It is being echoed as a game changer.

Chapelford plant area

Upgrading school and college buildings to meet challenging Net Zero goals can go hand-in-hand with making these buildings better places to work and learn. Mike Egan, Business Development Manager, Corporate Solutions for Mitsubishi Electric LES looks at the options.

Oliver Wooley of ABB

Variable speed drives (VSDs) are not generally designed to be exposed to the elements of nature and so for a drive operating outdoors we frequently see the highest rated drives specified. However, protection against ingress of dust and water alone is not enough to keep a drive running optimally in all weather, as ABB’s Oliver Woolley explains.

CArl Turbitt

In HVAC applications, integrated pumps are promoted as an efficient and low cost alternative to VSD/ motor configurations, however there’s more to the debate than there might seem, according to Carl Turbitt, HVAC Drives – UK Sales Manager, ABB.

Mark Isles, Sales Director - Build at Envirovent

Mark Isles, Sales Director – Build at EnviroVent, discusses the changes the ventilation industry has gone through in the past year and how EnviroVent has enhanced its support package for specifiers and housebuilders to ensure they can meet and exceed the updated building regulations around ventilation.  

ABB Datacentre

Variable speed drives are known culprits for the increasingly widespread problem of harmonics. However, according to ABB’s Chris Plumb, HVAC Drives Key Account Manager UK, new innovations in drive technology have now made them part of the solution.

Map to the new showroom

The team at CMD are excited to inform you that we are moving to a new showroom in London.  After 18 years at 99 Charterhouse Street, Clerkenwell, our last day will be Friday 17 March, and the doors to our new showroom, located at London House, 115 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0TJ, will open on Wednesday 29th March.  

CSA Index Cover

MBS is pleased to carry a link to the CSA Index - the Commissioning Specialists Association newsletter - several times a year. If you didn't get a print edition of the magazine you can read it here in PDF form. 

Pete Mills, Commercial Technical Operations Manager for Bosch Commercial & Industrial, outlines why the company has made CO sensors mandatory on cascade systems.

Carl Turbitt of ABB

EC fans are promoted as a more energy efficient solution for cooling in facilities such as data centres, but the reality might be more complicated, as Carl Turbitt explains.

Carl Turbitt

HVAC systems comprise an estimated 50 percent of the energy used in buildings. With energy prices spiralling, a free service from ABB can help to identify the easiest opportunities to reduce outgoings, as Carl Turbitt, HVAC Drives UK Sales Manager, explains.


The latest generation of Toshiba’s flagship Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) system, SHRM Advance, operates on lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) R-32 refrigerant. The combination of R-32’s lower GWP and reduced refrigerant charge enables SHRM Advance to deliver a significant reduction of up to 80%* in equivalent carbon emissions. 

Engineering Optimisation

ABB’s Chris Plumb explores some of the hidden functionality that can help users of variable speed drives (VSDs) to further optimise their HVAC processes, as well as save energy.


The demands on our office buildings have changed over the last few years: flexibility, digitalisation and energy efficiency are what’s important. At the same time, these buildings should create a comfortable, healthy and safe environment for employees.

Church of England

Are you a low carbon, sustainability, or building-services professional, willing to volunteer to help the Church of England with the challenge of Net Zero Carbon? Or an ecologist, able to input on the management of our precious churchyard habitats?

Engineering optimisation

ABB’s Chris Plumb explores some of the hidden functionality that can help users of variable speed drives (VSDs) to further optimise their HVAC processes, as well as save energy.

Aberdeen university logo

We are currently looking for an individual to join our vibrant and dynamic Projects and Small works Teams who is self-motivated and proactive, can work independently and as part of a team and can work collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders.

Carl Turbitt

Data centres consume huge amounts of energy, much of which goes into cooling. Carl Turbitt, HVAC Drives – UK Sales Manager, ABB, explains how, when it comes to achieving sustainability, variable speed drives (VSDs) are the best-performing technology available.

SAV Logo

SAV Systems is proud to announce that the AirMaster AM 1000 has been awarded Passivhaus Component certification in conjunction with their Danish partner, Airmaster A/S. 


Belimo, the leading manufacturer of damper actuators, control valves and sensors for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning technology, brings the worlds of “energy control” and “certified energy measurement and billing” together. 


The Altecnic SATK32107 Heat Interface Unit (HIU) records industry beating results during rigorous ‘UK Standard for Heat Interface Units’ test, coordinated by the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA).

Daikin White paper

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) “Air pollution from both outdoor and indoor sources represents the single largest environmental risk to health globally,” and causes seven million deaths a year, worldwide.


ABB’s Carl Turbitt explains how harmonic currents can impact HVAC systems – and what can be done about them.

Female Engineer

A thoughtful insight on women within building technology provided by Newcastle College

Daikin VRV5

With more modern technologies at their disposal, building services professionals now have the ability to dramatically reduce CO2 emissions across light commercial and residential air-conditioning installations. Recent innovations, such as Daikin’s VRV 5 system are helping to forge new ground in the area. The leading solution is able to deliver powerful results, alongside strong sustainable performance.

EC Fans Image

Carl Turbitt, HVAC Drives – UK Sales Manager, ABB, explains why when it comes to deciding between EC fans and a variable speed drive and motor solutions, comparing efficiency alone will not provide the full picture.


James Cooper, Product Manager at ebm-papst UK looks at how to improve BMS Solutions

Carl Turbitt

ABB’s Carl Turbitt explains how it’s never been easier to quickly and cost-effectively plug the knowledge gaps in your organisation – all it needs is an hour of your time.

Actuate logo

Steve Bratt, CEO of ECA – Electrical and Engineering Services, a Director of Actuate UK and a member of the Construction Leadership Council Task Force Group expands on the four key strategic areas on Actuate UK’s agenda   

We heard from builder-turned-architect Peter Watson, about the challenges of making sustainability sustainable

Get in touch

Letters to the editor

11 February, 2021

Steve Bird, C ENg, CIBSE, ASHRAE, got in touch

The Chancellor's Summer Statement indicates the government has heard the calls of the renewables industry. Max Halliwell asks: What next?

Making the transition to net zero operations is an important priority for every business, says Kirti Rudra of ENGIE

Zero Carbon

The UK Green Building Council has released their framework for net zero carbon buildings. Beverley Quinn of TUV SUD talks us through it. 

ESTA logo

Mervyn Pilley of the Energy Systems and Technology Association (ESTA) is not mincing his words. 

Dominic Horne

What will the post-Covid employment and skills landscape look like?

Colin Swanick

As we head towards the new normal, many businesses will be returning to work in offices and workspaces that may have been closed for up to three months. Colin Swanick of Kimpton presents a checklist to consider. 

Lee Hargreaves

 As lockdowns ease, the challenge of safely bringing buildings back into use emerges. Lee Hargreaves of Buro Happold looks at what will be needed. 

MBS, leader, Karen Fletcher, Coronavirus, Covid-19, remote working

Testing times

01 April, 2020

First, I hope all our readers are well. And that your businesses are functioning as effectively as possible in these unprecedented times.

building regulations, Karen Fletcher, legislation

Booster for success

01 March, 2020

This month, MBS has been talking to the industry about meeting the challenge to lower carbon emissions from the built environment.

Donseed, Causeway

As anyone who has ever worked in the construction industry knows, every construction project has its own specific risks, and without accurate risk management, profitability suffers.

THE ATCM,  Maximising,  cistern or tank holding capacity

Maximising the actual holding capacity of any cistern or tank has to be beneficial both in space saving and overall cost. Bellmouth Overflow and Raised Float Valve Housing fittings are important add on features available to the tank designer to assist in achieving this goal..

Legrand, cable management

Cable management is an integral part of the specification process. When it comes to specifying cable management systems, there are a number of key areas to consider in addition to cost per unit and installation time.

The ATCM, Cisterns, tanks

In a traditional industry such as water engineering and supply one might think nothing much changes when viewed from a consumer aspect. Water still flows out of the tap on demand.

However the last ten years have seen considerable activity behind the scenes, resulting in a safer, more efficient water product.

modbs tv logo

Siderise Innovation Centre achieves UKAS accreditation

Siderise has announced its Innovation Centre has achieved UKAS ISO 17025 accreditation, validating that it operates with the highest technical competency and generates reliable results.

One in five building service engineers unfamiliar with overheating regulations

New research has revealed that 20% of building service engineers are unfamiliar with the UK Building Regulations’ Approved Document O, which addresses overheating in buildings – and almost half (46%) claim to understand the theory behind it but are unsure how to put it into practice.