LG, thermostat, wind chill

The experience that your friend or colleague complaining that they are cold when you feel comfortable or even hot is a common phenomenon and there are many reasons why two people might experience the same temperature differently.

ATCM, water

The answer is obvious. Everyone. The provision of clean, wholesome water at the turn of a tap is second nature, or so we would like to think.

Armstrong Fluid Technology

When a project has a particularly long timescale it is essential to rethink the HVAC strategy. District energy schemes, for example, are typically rolled-out gradually, linking additional buildings to the network over an extended period (years rather than months.

climate change, Rupert Redesdale

Protesting about climate change should be encouraged, although sticking yourself (or parts of your anatomy) to the CEO’s door, window or car is not. The immediacy and importance of the debate could help you change your organisation’s policy in this area.

LG, smart technology, air conditioning

Smart home and smart building applications are raising expectations for home owners and building administrators, and for good reason. The smart technology available on the market has the potential to make our lives more convenient and more efficient. This technology is also being implemented in the HVAC market and improving the effectiveness and value of our HVAC systems.


Following the enactment of the BS 7671:2018 18th Edition of the IET Wiring Regulations at the beginning of this year, Mark Williams, lead marketing manager for cable management at Legrand UK, focuses on one element of the changes and what it means for building managers.

ATCM, water

THE ATCM Water matters

01 September, 2019

As Leonardo da Vinci wrote: “Water is the driving force of all nature”. That’s why the Association of Tank and Cistern Manufacturers (ATCM) was established to help our members provide quality products and services to the built environment sector.

EMEX, 	Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting, 	Roadmap to Net Zero, 	ESOS , Electric Vehicle,	Battery Storage

2019 could be one of the most significant year to raise awareness of energy efficiency in businesses, with continuing technological progress and some important policy changes.

LG, RI, heating

Today’s fast-paced business world is requiring companies to actively seek out new opportunities in order to keep up with the competition and gain a stronger foothold in the market.

With the introduction of the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) policy, the number of companies needing to measure and provide usage data to the government will almost treble.

Retail revolution

22 May, 2019

Renu Chopra considers the impact of social media on retail property.

When building occupants think of wellbeing and how to improve their surroundings, HVAC systems may not be at the top of their list.

Innovation is key

01 May, 2019

Our cover this month refers to buildings as sources of productivity for occupants. A well-designed, engineered and constructed building enhances the performance of people in it, as a number of our expert writers explain.

The role of every FM varies – dependent on industry sector and the demands of the working environment.

Changing Times

01 April, 2019

At this point it would be useful if MBS could give its readers a clear indication of how Brexit will affect the industry. Unfortunately, at the time of writing (26th March), I’m unable to offer any concrete conclusions – rather like the government itself.

Smart Buildings Expo, a major new addition to Facilities Show 2019, is set to showcase the products, innovations and thought leadership driving the smart buildings market.

The pump has always been the beating heart of any HVAC system, however with the latest generation of Armstrong DE pumps the heart of your building now has a brain.

First things first

01 March, 2019

The headline news in February was that the Committee for Climate Change (CCC) has recommended that no new homes be added to the gas grid from 2025. And that our existing domestic building stock be weaned off gas in no short order.

Back to the future

07 February, 2019

“In this issue we look to the future of buildings, while assessing where we really are. While it’s fun to consider where technology such as the Internet of Things might take us down the line, it is important to bear in mind the realities of applying technology to real buildings.



19 December, 2018

By Andrew Boothroyd, Energy Upgrade and Service Director, Armstrong Fluid Technology

End of a long year

03 December, 2018

"There are some years that really do seem longer than others, and 2018 is one of them. Let’s be honest, Brexit is straining everyone’s nerves. Our Annual Survey shows it as top of the list of concerns for businesses in our sector.


The Customer is always right

01 November, 2018

A phrase now truer than ever as the digital age has empowered every consumer to review their experience at every shop, café, and restaurant. These positive or negative reviews may have the ability to make or break a business. This does however raise standards for business owners as they compete to increase customer satisfaction. Now, this culture of improved customer service is spreading to other industries including commercial and residential building landlords.

wellbeing, payback

A sound business case

01 November, 2018

“At our Round Table discussion this month, the conversation quickly came round to the topic of wellbeing. It seems to be a theme that is working its way across the industry, whether we’re looking at building controls, indoor air quality or heating.

From April 2019 the rules on energy and carbon reporting are changing. What does this mean for you and your organisation?

Evolution in action

01 October, 2018

“There’s often an unintended underlying theme in our features, even though they deal with different aspects of building services. This month, the motif is transformation.


The government's plans for the construction sector are ambitious. Earlier this year Theresa May announced that her government aims to bring about a 50% reduction in energy use of new buildings by 2030, saying that, “By halving the energy use of new buildings – both commercial and residential – we could reduce the energy bills for their occupants by as much as 50 per cent.”

Heatlink, HIU, Heat Interface Units

With over 30 years’ experience in the industry, Alan Barber, Technical Director of Heatlink, has a wealth of experience and is frequently offering advice and support on Heat Interface Units. One of the biggest problems that he sees time and time again is the issue of contaminated water and the difficulty of flushing systems installed with an HIU. But is there a simple fix?

LG, Wellbeing, HVAC

Wellbeing and HVAC systems

04 September, 2018

The ‘Health, wellbeing and productivity in offices’ report shows that staff costs typically account for 90% of businesses operating costs, so any factor that impacts their ability to produce should be a major concern for any organisation. If the true value of the office environment included a calculation for good ‘wellbeing’, then the systems being specified would certainly offer an incentive to go far beyond legislative requirements. Going further than legislation provides further benefits, particularly when energy performance is improved and operating costs are reduced.

EMEX, Lord Rupert Redesdale

On behalf of our media partner, Modern Building Services, I’d like to invite you to join us at EMEX where MBS will have a strong presence at the event bringing MBStv cameras along to film what’s going on and carry out interviews on their stand E11.

collaboration, offsite manufacturing

A glimmer of hope

04 September, 2018

“I have to admit that it’s hard not to feel a sense of deja vu when I read a government report that’s calling for greater collaboration and allround better performance in the UK construction industry. We have really heard it before from Sir Michael Latham (Constructing the team, 1994) and Sir John Egan (Rethinking Construction,1998).

Collaborative approach

01 August, 2018

“In our features this month, the themes of integration and a collaborative approach are high on the agenda.

Lord Redesdale, EMEX

Energy management needs to be embedded into all sectors of British Business, but the sector that should be most clearly focused on efficiency seems to a degree to ignore the issue. Why is the FM industry often ignoring leading on energy management?

Private Frazer’s catchphrase in Dad’s Army reflects the mood at many Climate Change discussions. The decarbonising targets of an 80% reduction by 2050 are challenging, to put it mildly. However, it may be possible to reach our targets on emissions, although there is a mountain to climb.


As specialists in HVAC, building engineers are used to tracking the regulatory requirements around M & E. Over the last year, however, it has been a regulation relating to the construction side of our industry that has caught a number of companies on the hop. I am referring, of course, to EN 1090 which dictates requirements for CE marking for the ‘Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures’.

From space to service

02 July, 2018

“This month, industry experts offer their views on indoor air quality. It’s one of those topics that has been around for quite some time, but now it is combined with a greater emphasis on wellbeing and is rising up the agenda for our built environment.

The heating challenge

19 June, 2018

As government moves to decarbonise the UK's heating, MBS looks at a brief history of our move to gas, and why it's going to be such a challenge to find new sources of heat for homes, industry and commercial buildings. 


LG Electronics Air Conditioning and Energy Solutions division offers several engineering tools focused on HVAC, during the overall life-cycle of a building, relating to three categories.

Catlysts, Carillion, Dame Judith Hackitt, Review of Fire Regulations and Fire Safety

Catalysts for change

05 June, 2018

"It’s been a tough week for the construction industry. Not only did we discover more about the awful management practices at Carillion, but Dame Judith Hackitt’s final report on the Independent Review of Fire Regulations and Fire Safety did not pull any punches when it came to our sector’s working practices: Ignorant; indifferent; inadequate.


Tracking changes

03 May, 2018

As you’ll see from our front cover, MBS is celebrating 15 years of bringing its readers the broadest coverage of this sector, with insights from experts in all areas of building services - designers, contractors, installers and end-users.

Tough talking

04 April, 2018

"At Ecobuild this year, representatives of the Better Buildings Partnership were making it known that clients are fed up to the back teeth of buildings that don’t deliver what they want – efficiency, maintainability, operational effectiveness. These weren’t just general moans, but a clear message that enough is enough. (See our News Analysis)

Hydro kits, VRF, LG Business Solutions

Hydro kits and VRF

04 April, 2018

One of the most topical areas currently for VRF installations is the specification of Hydro Kits, which extract heat from a VRF Heat Pump or Heat Recovery system, air-cooled or water-cooled; for the production of domestic hot water.

In our continuing Top Tips series, we offer an infographic of insights from experts who have written for MBS or taken part in our round table. This is a quick summary of some of the advice that leading engineers and consultants have offered in the run up to the introduction of MEES. 

district heating, data centres, Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards, Energy Performance Certificate

Engineered solutions

08 March, 2018

In the March issue we are looking at a number of solutions to familiar problems – how to ensure that homes and businesses have affordable, reliable heat with minimal impact on the environment. Or how to keep temperatures in data centres within tight margins in the face of rising energy costs and planning requirements.

modbs tv logo

Smart and sustainable

Schneider Electric has announced its smart energy management solutions feature in the London headquarters of design, engineering and consulting group Sidara.

Fields of green

Lochinvar has provided a complete heating and hot water system powered by four air source heat pumps for a new luxury 72-bedroom care home set in rolling Yorkshire countryside.