International Refrigeration Research on demand

Access the IIR International Conference Rankine 2020 – Advances in Cooling, Heating and Power Generation on demand this summer – view the sessions you want to when you want to.  You will be able to select from over 90 sessions to take part in live during 27th - 31st July and get on demand access to recordings for four whole months after the event.

Register now to get to access:

  • 75 technical presentations from leading researchers on refrigeration fluids, compressors, heat transfer, system efficiency, optimisation, simulation, power generation, novel applications
  • 9 key note addresses from world experts
  • 12 hosted discussion sessions
  • 1 short course

And as a bonus you also be able to download and keep all 75 written papers.

Remember if you want to take part in discussions, question and answer and networking you will need to join the live programme over 5 days this month. But if you are not available on these dates, miss any sessions or even whole days, or simply want to re-watch talks, you will be able to re-watch any sessions after the event as many times as you like over the next  4 months.

Prices start at £168. 

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